UKbride Member Request 3 Oct 2017

Panicking... just over a month till I get married and now have shingles....

Panicking... just over a month till I get married and now have shingles. Anyone got any tips on how to get rid of this rash and feel better?

Susan Coleclough
Susan Coleclough 3 Oct 2017

Try to relax for a start as I believe it is often triggered by stress. Not sure about how to get rid of the rash but think it just has to run it's time. Don't scratch or you may scar.

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017


UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

Your gp can prescribe some meds to help it go quicker.

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

See your gp. There’s meds’ to help it and also stops it being contagious...!

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

Omg Lisa-Marie Wyatt after what we said about insurance earlier!!!

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

Stay calm. Gonand see your GP for advice. Tbh not a lot you can do am sorry to.say. look online for remedies. Its something that had to run its course. Take pain relief if required to keep you comfortable. Dont rub or scratch rash.

Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith 3 Oct 2017
This stuff is amazing will cover it up no problem if it's not gone in time good luck 😉 xx

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

Sending big huggs xc

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

Apparently aleo Vera liquid can help. You can get it cheap from health food shops, none of this forever living! It's costs a fortune

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

Oilatum baths will take the red away x

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

I had it a couple of months back due to stress. So relax, go to your GP, they gave me tablets which helped with the pain and recovery time (took about 3 weeks) and put Calamine lotion (excuse the spelling!) :) on the rash to keep it cool and stop the itching.

Kerrie Chandler
Kerrie Chandler 3 Oct 2017

I had chickenpox the week before my wedding, the rash will be gone way before the wedding and a good makeup artiste will be able to cover up any last little marks! Try to calm down as much as possible and relax as it's triggered by stress! X

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

You need to get aciclovir prescribed by your doctor ASAP. Other than that try not to stress too much as this is a major trigger. Don't scratch rash or you will scar. Cool baths and piriton should help with the itching x

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

You need to get the medication within a few days of the rash appearing.

I also used kids chicken pox lotion called poxclin to take the edge off the itch and paracetamol.

Kirsty Gaines
Kirsty Gaines 3 Oct 2017

Any cold sore cream with aciclovir will work. I got shingles a couple of weeks ago and was told that if it's already scabbing they can't prescribe anything but told me to use coldsore cream. Also don't worry about it been contagious, you can't catch shingles from shingles, only chicken pox and only by direct contact. Don't touch it, use a cold sore cream and if it's visible invest in a good concealer. Unfortunately shingles can hurt for ages after so take paracetamol if it's bad. Hope you're big day is fantastic x

Hayley Martin
Hayley Martin 3 Oct 2017

I got shingles only 6 weeks before my wedding ON MY FACE!! I went straight to the doctors and they gave me antibiotics which cleared it up within a week 👍🏼

UKbride Administrator
UKbride Administrator 3 Oct 2017

Vinegar bath. Preferably white just a cup full.

Rachel Weaver
Rachel Weaver 4 Oct 2017

Alot of rest! You can have an antiviral if you're very bad (I got prescribed one but they don't give them easily!) Calamine cream for the rash and sleep!


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