Chloe Peters
Chloe Peters 6 Sep 2017

So when my H2B's brother got married, my parents were invited for the whole...

So when my H2B's brother got married, my parents were invited for the whole day (May '17), should we be inviting his wife's parents to ours next year, to like return the favor so to say? TIA xx

Laura Lindsley
Laura Lindsley 6 Sep 2017

Id say its up to you? if you get on well with them and want them their id say invite them If you only partly know them i wouldnt personally only cause were having a small wedding 😊 Xx

Lucy Lewis
Lucy Lewis 6 Sep 2017

Hi it is up to you :)

Claire Hellewell
Claire Hellewell 12 Sep 2017

If you get on well with them then yes I would :)


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